

Montreal artist Marie-Chloé Duval pursues a path as contrasting and daring as her works. At first absorbed by a career in criminology, Duval discovered her interest in art when her graduate studies ended. The writing of his thesis will undoubtedly be the trigger for a push to express himself and illustrate his vision of the human being and of society.

Self-taught, Duval developed his visual identity and explored the world of photography before devoting himself fully to painting in 2016. The artist participated in various ephemeral events and then in numerous provincial and international exhibitions such as in Montreal, Chicago, Palm Spring and San Francisco. Duval therefore experienced a significant evolution.

His art stems from a reflection due to his academic background, criminology, and shows a free pictorial expression inspired by paradoxical social situations. It is through painting that she highlights this dialogue of paradoxes. She deconstructs the codes and symbols of society and, through painting, acrylic, felt-tip pens and photos, she raises questions about the place of the human being, the way we look at ourselves and the other then on the us.

His work reveals the trace, the capture of a common moment and which reveals several things worthy of memory.
