Artist Painter Pedagogue

Emmanuelle Gendron

Emmanuelle Gendron is a native of Longueuil and describes herself as an artist-pedagogue because she believes in the arts as a vector of communication for a healthy society. She organizes individual exhibitions and participates in group exhibitions, among which she sometimes coordinates the management, including the Expo-Encan femme, the Exhibition for graduates in arts education, L'Annuel and Le Collectif 8 . She is president of BABA , a non-profit organization founded in 2018 whose mandate is to promote, through various artistic events, art and culture across the province.

Focused on the exploration of the visual arts and its updating, she attends development workshops in order to improve her artistic approach, such as the study of live models and coaching and consultation sessions in pictorial creation.

During her time teaching plastic arts at Laval University, she crossed artistic creation with pedagogy. Since 2017, she has offered support services as well as conferences for those interested in the arts and means of expression. She rubbed shoulders with various teaching environments; from preschool to high school, from the golden age to a transition house for adult men with mental health problems.
