Comment connaitre la valeur de vos oeuvres d'art?

How to know the value of your works of art?

Imagine a world without art. Empty and sad, right? Art is a form of expression that will always captivate people. Whether it is a painting, a sculpture or any other form of art, each piece is one of a kind and tells a different story. However, there is one thing you should know before hanging your favorite painting on your living room wall. Knowing the value of your artwork is vital for art insiders, lovers and collectors. In this article, we will guide you on how to know the true value of your artwork.

L'achat d'œuvres d'art - Où commencer?

Buying Art – Where to Start?

Not sure where to start when it comes to buying art? With so many galleries and artist shows around the world, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a novice, this blog post is here to guide you through the basics of art acquisition. From understanding what type of art appeals to discerning quality works in different mediums, these tips will give any aspiring buyer an edge in their search for the perfect piece. So get ready for your next excursion—buying art just got easier!

Comment préserver des oeuvres d'art?

How to preserve works of art?

Discover the different ways to take care of your works of art and keep them looking their best for years to come.

L'Art Abstrait dans le design d'intérieur

Abstract Art in Interior Design

Abstract art is often considered a timeless art form that has fascinated people for decades. She focuses on exploring shapes, colors, lines and textures rather than representing reality as it is. This approach gives great freedom of expression and an avant-garde aesthetic. This is why abstract art has become a go-to option for many interior designers and contemporary art lovers.

Comprendre une œuvre en 3 niveaux

Understand a work in 3 levels

Art is a personal matter. Each of us perceives and interprets it differently. Our knowledge, our emotions, our culture, our associations with the elements have an impact on the way we view and appreciate a work of art. In this article, we will explore the different levels.

Comment intégrer l'art à votre décoration intérieure?

How to integrate art into your interior decoration?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt an immediate sense of calm? The power of home decor and art should not be underestimated. Combining the two can have powerful effects transforming your space and creating a look that reflects who you are. Here we will explore how to combine art and interior design for maximum impact.

Comment choisir le bon éclairage pour votre tableau?

How to choose the right lighting for your painting?

Picture lighting is an often overlooked detail in interior design. However, it is not only essential to highlight the work, but also to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. Among the lighting solutions for pictures, the wall lamp is an elegant and functional option. How to choose the ideal wall lamp to effectively illuminate your painting? Exploration of key points to consider.

Les livraisons d'oeuvre d'art sont-elle sûres?

Are artwork deliveries safe?

You may be wondering if artwork delivery is safe. In this article, we'll look at what makes a delivery service safe and how you can make sure your artwork is safe when it's shipped.

Gâtez l'être aimé avec une œuvre d'art durable pour la saint-valentin

Spoil your loved one with a lasting piece of art for Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, give the gift that will last a lifetime. Find out how to choose the perfect work of art for your significant other.

Osez faire de votre bureau une oeuvre d'art !

Dare to make your office a work of art!

Wondering how to make your office more inspiring and inviting for customers and employees? Here are some tips for incorporating artwork into your business.
